I've promised to myself that after got terrific adventure i MUST write it on my blog. I've missed some story since being lazy to put my words into readable article [grin]

last week, finally, i got the chance to make my promise. My lovely Aa' take me to Bukittinggi. gosh, I've begged and cried this month along to him, and suddenly he said that he would take me [1]. then the surprise wasn't stop there, we would go to Bukittinggi together with our friends, that's really crazzzy, i was surrounding with excitement[2].
Our first craziness start when @7pm Mr.Tigor still haven't finished his work (since our plan to depart @7pm). The second one coming when Mr.G cant join us, coz he's sick (got toothache and fever, what else can we say for Senior) whereas he's the one that will drive us!! the most senior traveler among us. with 100% seriousness (serious to aside the risk) we decide to travel without him and experienced driver, just us (five determined engineer)[3].
We, five young engineer, must thank to Riza, who already let us take a rest in her house. thanks for letting us have delicious-real minang- breakfast. Arrived at Bukit 5 in the morning, forces us to sleep and zzzzz......
First destination is Jam Gadang at Bukittinggi. this old town is neat and having lots of dutch-old

building (remind me to magelang, my hometown). it impressed that Bukittinggi is important, even ever used as the capital of this republic. Taken lots of picture, walked around the city, in sun shinny day. Museum Hatta, Panorama Ngarai Sianok, Lobang Jepang then finally stranded in Katupek Pical at Pasar Bawah (traditional market in Bukit). Lunchtime, struggling effort walking around the city (especially in lobang Jepang), makes us eat lots of food with less than 50,000 rupiahs spending. We love it!!

After lunch, we drove to Ombilin, curious to see Singkarak Lake. Arrived at 3 pm, cant imagine hows hot the weather at there. Didn't know what to do, we just toke some picture, Beni fell sleep down. The scenery to Singkarak so beautiful, we saw green rice field and mountain range . Burnt skin, sleepy dizzy, we decide to back to Padang trough Padang Panjang. we stop a while at Lembah Anai Waterfall. And not letting chance to taste Mak Syukur, a famous Sate Padang restaurant, SBY and JK ever visited this restaurant. We continue to Padang when it was 6.10 pm already. Night already when entering Padang, directly find out the hotel. But it was full booked. We spent about 1.5 hours arround the city to find the hotel, since holiday season and graduation one of university in Padang. Finally (almost hopeless) we found a hotel outside the city. So, nothing much to say, take a bath, then sweet dream....
What we'll gonna do tomorrow????? "Morning wake up at Padang"
without taking a bath, we drove to Pantai Gajah, looking for breakfast. Its near Aa' ex boarding room when he was student in Padang. We eat soto Padang, teh susu, Lontong Sayur that very delicious. We breakfast

at the same place like me and Aa' used to in our first vacation. Memory on my 24 birthday (do you remember, hunny?). Sunday morning in Pantai Gajah, near UNP, we just like childhood-missing, fly around to catch the wave. Continue to visit Pantai Air Manis, where the legend Malin Kundang storied. arrived at 10, we just have less than 2 hours to walking around. Its a beautiful,straight, and wide beach. a hill located near the beach, Bukit Siti Nurbaya, taken from girl name in Minang story legend. Padang located along beach side, so we just visit the same sea, from different point. 2 hours in Air Manis we spent for walking, taking pictures, drinking coconut water (as Pak Lim suggestion) accompanied with Martabak Bangka and Roti Bakar (smoking as well).
I'll post this story as first Chapter from Padang Extreme Adventure. wait for next chapter..wish me success for the next chapter....