Monday, August 17, 2009

Merdeka: Indonesia 64 tahun #IndonesiaUnite

Insisted to write this posting when watched Discovery channel this morning, found that this channel have special program for Malaysian independence day,called merdeka. Really unacceptable for me when they try to use this term, tough i believe malaysian know the meaning, but they never use this term for their independence day (or may be im the one that dunno bout it). Sooo I decide to support my country 64th independence day: 17 August , Merdeka!! (meaning: independence,freedom)
Just few weeks ago, Jakarta bombed (again) at famous public facility (JW Marriot hotel and Ritz Carlton hotel). Its an unforgiven crime for whatever reasons. Realizing the impact and purpose of that bombing, I join #IndonesiaUnite on my twitter network to spread the indonesian citizen spirit to all over the world, that "KAMI TIDAK TAKUT" (we are not affraid) to those bloody people. This bombing purposed to spread fear among Indonesian and otherz to live in Indonesia. But thats not gonna happen man.
So, happy independence day, Merdeka Indonesia!!

Déjà vu

Following article summarized from Wikipedia , i put this subject since I quite often have this symptom and ever discussed this topic with Aa' (he has experience with this)

Déjà vu: "already seen"; also called paramnesia or promnesia, is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past), although the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness," "strangeness," or "weirdness." The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past.

The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past,indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to evoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.

Scientific research on déjà vu:

Since the last years of the 20th century, déjà vu has been subject to serious psychological and neurophysiological research. Scientifically speaking, the most likely explanation of déjà vu is not that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy," but rather that it is an anomaly of memory giving the impression that an experience is "being recalled."

This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain. Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little or no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the present) and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past). The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.

Another theory being explored is that of vision. As the theory suggests, one eye may record what is seen fractionally faster than the other, creating that "strong recollection" sensation upon the "same" scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye. However, this one fails to explain the phenomenon when other sensory inputs are involved, such as the auditive part, and especially the digital part. If one, for instance, experiences déjà vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then the déjà vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right hand would never receive the same sensory input. Also, persons with only one eye still report experiencing déjà vu or déjà vécu (a rare disorder of memory, similar to persistent déjà vu). The global phenomenon must therefore be narrowed down to the brain itself (say, one hemisphere would be late compared to the other one).

Links with disorders: The strongest pathological association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy.This correlation has led some researchers to speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to improper electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a mild epileptic episode regularly (e.g. the sudden "jolt," a hypnagogic jerk, that frequently occurs just prior to falling asleep), it is conjectured that a similar (mild) neurological aberration occurs in the experience of déjà vu, resulting in an erroneous sensation of memory.

Pharmacology: Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu. reported the case of an otherwise healthy male who started experiencing intense and recurrent sensations of déjà vu on taking the drugs amantadine and phenylpropanolamine together to relieve flu symptoms. Due to the dopaminergic action of the drugs and previous findings from electrode stimulation of the brain, Taiminen and Jääskeläinen speculate that déjà vu occurs as a result of hyperdopaminergic action in the mesial temporal areas of the brain. Many scientists are still working towards the actual link of déjà vu with hypnagogic epilepsy.

Memory-based explanations: Memory-based explanations may lead to the development of a number of non-invasive experimental methods by which a long sought-after analogue of déjà vu can be reliably produced that would allow it to be tested under well-controlled experimental conditions. Cleary (2008) suggests that déjà vu may be a form of familiarity-based recognition (recognition that is based on a feeling of familiarity with a situation) and that laboratory methods of probing familiarity-based recognition hold promise for probing déjà vu in laboratory settings. Another possible explanation for the phenomenon of déjà vu is the occurrence of "cryptamnesia," which is where information learned is forgotten but nevertheless stored in the brain, and occurrence of similar invokes the contained knowledge, leading to a feeling of familiarity because of the situation, event or emotional/vocal content, known as "déjà vu."


I thought that my holiday will be a lazy, boring, straight day, nothing happen. But I’m wrong.

Last night, I had words with my boyfriend. Really hate him last night; I can’t accept what he’s done. Went to bed, cried, and mistreated feeling. But we’ve gone along well in the morning, try to forgive, understand, and forget what we’ve gone through. Especially since we’re far apart, try to accept commitment consequence. Learn, learn, learn..

"We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. To have real conversation with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk." --Thomas Moore

And just few minutes ago, I found my old photographs. There are me, my ex boyfriend and someone else. My feeling is so awkward. How’s your feeling when u found that kind of picture, especially when at that moment the ex boyfriend marry to someone else that I mention above. I tell you, the awkwardness is not something sad, disappoint, or regret. Specifically I’m surprised that I still have that picture, that I ever had memory with those people, but nothing more. I already passed those feelings ago. I plan to burn their pics, but not mine :) and I’ll tell this story to you readers, and my lovely aa’.

Respect: wIsdom from hatred

“Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. No destructive lies. No ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger.” --Bill Bradley

I’m working in one of BIG Indonesian business organization that is not only a company but companies as a group. 1st august 2009 a year I have been here, getting story, experience, and knowledge. Recently, I could add wisdom in to the list. Sure, not my wisdom, but I get it from my seniors. I just re-learn that a man needs respect from others. Word “respect” is not lip service only, the wisdom teaches me one of the manners to show respect.
It is easy to receive or taking wisdom from senior, who we adore to, but in my experience, I take it from the one I’m not respect with. As a human, it is important to keep our hatred aside, or else we can’t take valuable lesson from others. I already get it, tough it’s hard to receive positive lesson from someone that I hate, moreover to take it by myself. And now i feel very positive that I can treat him fairly.